Aug 24, 2022
Do you find yourself over 50 and regretting chasing material riches at the expense of family? Do you believe it’s never too late, or have you given up?
Maybe Joe’s story will inspire you and give you hope? After “having it all” – millionaire lifestyle – all the toys men dream of – Joe still felt unfulfilled. Joe prayed for God to shake-it-up, to light the path to his purpose. Register at
Well, be careful what you pray for. While Bankruptcy and divorce certainly wasn’t Joe’s plan, in hind sight, it was God’s. Joe Rickards found himself – 50 – divorced, bankrupt and homeless. Little did he know, his best years lay ahead.
Fast forward 5 years, Joe is happily married to his beautiful soulmate Anna, lives the travelling nomad capitalist lifestyle and his lifelong dream of being a dad has come true – twice, with two darling daughters – and another, on the way! Register at